Exeter BJJ Academy
Facilities: 72 square metres of uninterrupted 8cm thick mat space. Fully matted out 2m high walls to maximise safety and comfort. Click here for more info.
Address: Baskerville House, Grace Road Central, Marsh Barton, Exeter, EX2 8QA
Lost? We’re behind South West Systems, accessible by walking up the drive between South West Systems & Wild West Custom Paint.
Still Lost? Check out Google Street View.
Help I still can’t find you? Watch this Youtube video.
Transport Links
Car - you should have no trouble finding on street parking on Grace Road Central outside of Mon-Fri 9-5.
Bike - you can use the cycle paths by the river to avoid traffic of Marsh Barton, and we have space to lock up your bike.
Train - Marsh barton train station is 5 mins walk from the Academy.
Bus - the B, 2B and Green bus among others all stop within a couple of minutes of the Academy.